
Common Causes of a UTI

Feb 26, 2024
 Common Causes of a UTI

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second-most common infection in humans today. When you develop a UTI, learning its root cause is important so you can prevent it from turning into a chronic health problem.

Around 8 million people seek medical help for UTIs every year, according to the American Medical Association. The Urology Care Foundation™ adds that about 10 in 25 women (around 40%) and 3 in 25 men (around 12%) have a UTI at least once during their lifetime. 

These statistics mean that UTIs are one of the most common problems patients seek urgent care for today. Here at EMC Express Care, urgent care is our specialty. Our knowledgeable and highly trained specialists offer convenient urgent care for UTIs seven days a week in our North Richland Hills, Texas, office. 

When you come in with a UTI, our first concern is relieving your symptoms. But, just as important, we work to discover what caused or contributed to your UTI. Today on the blog, we’re discussing some of the most common risk factors and causes of UTIs. 

Frequent sexual intercourse

Frequent sexual intercourse is a major risk factor for UTIs, but it’s important to know that UTIs aren’t sexually transmitted diseases. During sex, a male partner can transfer bacteria to a female partner's urethra, and it can quickly travel up the urinary tract to cause a UTI. 

Women are particularly at risk for UTIs after intercourse because they have a relatively short urethra (the tube that urine flows through). This means women are more prone to bacteria transfer during sex. 

Urinating before and after intercourse can help prevent a UTI, and it’s also smart to shower and clean your entire genital area following sex. This can help eliminate bacteria lingering around your urethra. 

Poor hygiene

Poor hygiene contributes to many UTIs. One common example is wiping from back to front after a bowel movement. This transfers bacteria so it can easily enter the urethra. Again, women are especially at risk for this because their urethra, vagina, and anus are all so close together.

Another example is failing to change underwear frequently, which encourages bacteria to populate in and around the urethra. 

Wiping from front to back, wearing breathable cotton underpants, and being vigilant about cleanliness can go a long way in preventing UTIs.

Too little water 

When you don’t drink enough water, the bacteria inside your bladder grows very concentrated and increases your risk of UTIs. 

Drinking about 6-8 glasses of water a day can help dilute your urine and flush bacteria out. You’ll know you’ve achieved optimal hydration when your urine is very pale or clear.

Many other factors can increase your risk of a UTI, including pregnancy, menopause, and aging all of which lead to changes in your urinary tract that make it a more hospitable atmosphere for bacteria that cause UTIs. 

We provide immediate treatment for UTIs and look at all the possible causes of your infection so our team can help you prevent them in the future. 

Do you have UTI symptoms like painful urination or discolored urine? EMC Express Care has daily hours from 10am-8pm so you can get quick help when you need it. Call us at 817-503-8800 to get help with your UTI now.